Eleftheria Square in Nicosia, especially the new, revamped public park and garden, is a must visit for any Cypriot or visiting tourist to discover a unique environment where a lot of tradition, history and futurism is blended, and for visitors, a curiosity sensation can be felt, and of course apreciated.
I post below some of my photos which I took during of a recent visit to this lovely public park.
Conceptually designed by non-other than Zaha Hadid as early as 2005, this landmark project was originally inspired to reconnect the ancient city’s massively fortified Venetian walls, linking it with the modern cityscape and beyond.

I purposely retouched the photos to reflect the subdued and uncertain moods of Covid-era Cyprus. The planned concept of the park is to become a central point for leisure for Nicosians, ideal for recreation, youth activities, concerts, and public events, as well as serving as a venue for exhibitions and art installations for Cypriot and international artists.
I do believe in the potential to prominence for this historic park, and believe it should be passionately pursued with inventiveness and ambition. Keep-in-mind that when you add blooming (all-year-round) flowers, liveliness with greens, music, happy faces, and impactful lighting to this environment, Eleftheria Square could become a spectacle in an instant.
Till then, we have what we have 😉. Better days to come.